Nigeria's Education System

Nigeria is a federal state in West Africa. People from many African countries prefer to go here for higher education. Why has this issue become so relevant? 


A new approach to learning was formed a long time ago, and we can say that it has gained quite a lot of popularity. What was the reason for this? Naturally, because Nigeria was a colony of European countries, it began to “build” Western schools. Traditional schools were taken, and new technologies, subjects, and even traditions were introduced. 


In the late 50s, it was decided to begin a new stage of development. It started with a complete transformation, in which the traditional foundations and some Western technology were mixed, allowing to reduce the number of strikers in the country. 


The next stage was the introduction of English as a compulsory subject. For now, the situation in Nigeria is encouraging. The country is moving towards progress, creating new institutions and attracting more and more professors from different countries. 


Nowadays, all teaching methodology and rules consist of several levels, just like in European countries. Absolutely all institutions in the country can issue diplomas. The government plans to introduce an “international standard.



Schooling is divided into 3 periods: Primary, Junior, Senior. The academic year lasts 10 months.


Primary schooling lasts from age 6 to 11. It is considered essential in the country and provides an opportunity to develop a positive attitude toward work, socialize, live in a community, cooperation and learn. Secondary school lasts 3 years (ages 11 to 14). Children’s transition rate to the next level is distributed as follows: 

  • 60% — high school; 
  • 20 percent — technical colleges;
  • 10% — vocational training centers; 
  • 10% — apprenticeships in crafts and farming. 


High school lasts for 3 years (from 15 to 18 years). The curriculum is varied enough to broaden students’ knowledge and horizons. Each student is required to master 6 core subjects and 2-3 additional subjects.



There are traditional universities (16 federal and 8 state universities), which teach classical humanities and applied sciences, and highly specialized ones. Among the latter are: 


  • Polytechnic (5 national, 4 states); 
  • Agrarian (3 federal); 
  • Military. 


If you do not live in this country but would like to get a specialty here, use NGScholars — Nigerian Education, Study Abroad & Scholarship Information. Here you can get professional help. 


There are special schools for gifted children. There are 11 of them. This is 5% of all students involved in school. Such schools prepare future intellectuals and politicians. To be enrolled in such a school, it is necessary to pass a 1-year preparatory phase and successfully pass examinations. 


European-type private schools

Private European schools are well-developed in wealthy industrial, commercial, and port cities. Tuition fees are pretty high: for example, at the American International School in Lagos, it ranges from $12 to $15 thousand a year, and at the British School — $8 thousand and an entire board. 


Such a price is explained by the very high competition, a relatively high level of knowledge of graduates, and a diploma of European standard, which allows entering any European or American university. The maximum number of students in classes of such schools is 20 people, while in public schools — 50. In addition, parents buy individual chairs, desks, and even chalk. 


To summarize, Nigeria boasts an advanced education. Universities are specialized, which will help you find a decent job. 

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